The first draw of the Bonoloto was held on February 28, 1988. At that time the raffles were held every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday every week.

The draw held on March 30, 2015, was the first of a new stage in which the draws would be held every day from Monday to Saturday inclusive.

To play the bonoloto you simply need to select 6 numbers between 1 and 49. To make this choice easier we have compiled a series of statistics that show the frequency with which different combinations have appeared over time.

More frequent numbers in La BonoLoto

The winning numbers in the Bonoloto, as in many other lotteries, are very capricious and do not follow any pattern, but for those who like the statistics of mathematics, we provide a table with the 5 most frequent numbers in the lottery of BonoLoto since its inception, and of the last 2 years, 2017 and 2018

Since 1988 2017 2018
Number Appearances Appearances Appearances
33 892 50 43
10 891 44 43
2 886 23 44
22 877 4 42
34 876 17 33

Interestingly the number that has been repeated the most in the period of one calendar month, has been number 27, which has been repeated 85 times

And the ball with number 12, is that more times has been repeated in one day, a total of 44 occasions

The less frequent numbers in the BonoLoto

As in the case of the most frequent numbers, it also happens with the numbers that have less presence in the BonoLoto draws, the so-called “cold numbers”.

Let’s see a box with these 5 numbers that correspond to “cold balls”

Since 1988 2017 2018
Number Absences Absences Absences
5 801 42 40
13 801 38 26
8 795 30 33
43 791 37 29
6 785 38 28

Other sequences of BonoLoto numbers that come out frequently

In addition to the numbers or balls that individually appear to configure the winning combination in each BonoLoto draw, there are also combinations of numbers, odd and even numbers, low and high numbers, tens, etc.-

Odd and even numbers

The odd numbers have come out 3.5% more times than the even numbers. Let’s see the following box:

Since 1988 2017 2018
Total Pairs Total Odd Pairs / Odd Pairs / Odd
20065 20771 916 –  956 846 –  912

Low and high numbers

The statistics show us a slight difference between low numbers , those between 1 and 25, and high numbers from 26 to 49

In the box that we indicate below, we will see figures that indicate 6/0 or 4/2. The first sign should be understood as the low numbers (from 1 to 25), and the second sign those high numbers (between 26 and 49)

Since 1988 2017 2018
Combinations Appearances Appearances Appearances
6 low – 0 high 88 4 1
5 low – 1 high 592 30 28
4 low – 2 high 1688 81 68
3 low – 3 high 2276 103 109
2 low – 4 high 1560 65 65
1 low – 5 high 576 27 19
0 low – 6 high 84 2 3

Numbers BonoLoto that more come out among dozens

When it comes to preparing a possible strategy, it is also interesting to contemplate the numbers that come out the most in the BonoLoto draws among the tens that make up the table of numbers between 1 and 49

We see it in the following box .

Since 1988 2017 2018
Combinations Appearances Appearances Appearances
Ten 1 to 10 8272 386 357
dozen 11 20 8244 388 349
dozen 21 30 8393 379 372
dozen 31 40 8461 367 376
dozen 41 to 49 7466 352304

The highest jackpots of BonoLoto

Since its inception, they have been happening through the different raffles, hundreds of millionaire prizes.

In the following table we can see the quantities and dates of the 10 largest jackpots given away:

Date draw Week Acertantes Amount boat
Sunday 18 November 1990 47 1 7.219.705,92 €
Saturday 11 November 2016 46 1 7.113.423,67 €
Tuesday 20 June 2006 25 1 7,042,570.46 €
Wednesday 14 December 2005 51 1 6,491,274.41 €
Monday 30 June 2014 27 1 € 5,612,387.79
Friday 26 June 2009 26 1 € 5,385,739.25
Monday 15 September 2003 38 1 4,750,990.47 €
Wednesday 10 October 2001 41 1 4,739,080.82 €
Wednesday 14 June 2017 24 1 4,552,529.67 €
Friday 10 May 2013 19 1 4,500,427.47 €