Lottery jackpots

Below you can find a summary table with all the lottery jackpots for today and the week ahead. This section is updated automatically after each draw, displaying the latest jackpots

What is a jackpot and how they work?

In games and lotteries, the word “jackpot” refers to an amount of money accumulated from prizes not awarded in previous draws.

All modern lotteries have adapted their regulations to attract players and increase participation, this way, making the temptation to play irresistible.

A jackpot starts when there is no winner of any of the categories in a lottery draw. Each game has its own way of determining the amount of  possible jackpots for each draw, how the money is distributed, which part goes to each prize category, if there is a guaranteed minimum, or if there is a maximum number of times that the prize can rollover.

Minimum and maximum guaranteed lottery jackpots

Upon reviewing the lotteries that accumulate larger jackpots, we may see that some have a minimum amount guaranteed for the first prize to which the corresponding amount  on the collection for the draw is added. Each organising entity decides on the minimum depending on the estimated revenue. American lotteries tend to start with the largest jackpots.

Minimum guaranteed Maximun jackpot Rollover
PowerBall jackpot $ 40 millions No limit No limit
MegaMillions jackpot $ 40 millions* No limit No limit
Euromillones jackpot € 20 millions € 250 millions 4
Eurojackpot jackpot € 10 millions € 120 millions 1
SuperEnalotto jackpot € 2 millions No limit No limit
La Primitiva jackpot € 2 Millions No limit No limit
OZ PowerBall jackpot AU $ 3 Millions No limit No limit
BonoLoto jackpot € 0,400 Millions No limit No limit
Gordo Primitiva jackpot € 5 Millions No limit No limit
UK Lottery jackpot £ 2 Millions** £ 22 millions 4
Polish Lotto jackpot zł 2 Millions No limit No limit

* During the COVID 19 pandemic, the minimum guaranteed prize was reduced to $20M. 

** Not guaranteed, minimum amount is estimated.

How lottery jackpots accumulate

Independently of the fact that every lottery in question has a guaranteed minimum for the main prize, the collection percentages determined by each regulation for the remaining categories are also part of those millionaire prizes.

However, there are lotteries such as PowerBall, MegaMillions and others which have fixed amounts for the second place and subsequent prize categories.

Distribution on lottery jackpot collection

In general, when there is already a pre-existing jackpot from previous raffles, the collection percentage for the next one is added to the existing jackpot.

There are lotteries that allocate a high percentage of each draw collection to increase the pot, and others prefer to distribute it among the various categories provided.

Let’s see how the lotteries that have the highest jackpots accumulate:

Percentage of collection for the jackpot
PowerBall 68.01% of collection + jackpot
MegaMillion 65.15% of collection + jackpot
Euromillones EU 43.20% 6 draws, and 27% after
Eurojackpot 18% of collection + jackpot
SuperEnalotto 17.4%
La Primitiva. ES 6.18%
OZ PowerBall AU 35%
Bono Loto. ES 45%
El Gordo ES 22%
UK Lottery 83% initially, and 27% after
Polish Lotto PL 44% initially, and 27% after

Biggest jackpots won to date

Here we leave a list of the largest jackpots in the history of American lotteries:

$2.04 billion, currently in 2025, the largest jackpot awarded by the Powerball lottery, in November 2022

$1.6 billion. New record set on October 23, 2018 in MegaMillions.

The biggest prizes in European lotteries
Unlike American lotteries, European lottery prizes from EuroMillions, Eurojackpot and others are generally not subject to tax, except in some countries, such as Spain, Portugal or Italy.

The largest European lottery jackpots to date have been the following:

The biggest EuroMillions Lottery jackpot is €240 million on December 8, 2023 to a winner from Austria.

The biggest jackpot in the SuperEnalotto lottery. has been €371.1 Million on 2/16/2023

The Eurojackpot lottery, currently the maximum jackpot is 120 million euros, and during 2024, it has been awarded up to 4 times.“Previously the maximum jackpot was €90 million, and it had been awarded five times”

The highest BonoLoto jackpot is €10.6 million euros, on 1/17/2024

La Primitiva Lottery €101.7 million, as of today, in 10 years it has not been exceeded

£66,070,646 on 9/1/2016 in the UK lottery. It was later capped at £22M.

Zł 56 million (almost 13 million euros) in September 2011 in the Polish lottery.

If you want to try your luck and participate in the next draw of the main lotteries of the world to win the next jackpot, just click on any of the “Play” links that you will find in the table at the top of this page.

What are you waiting for? You could be the next winner of one of these lottery jackpots.